Th elitism of sir Richard Dawkins exposed in talk with Sam Harris in Los Angeles

Ed West
   The famed atheists Sam Harris talked to another famous non-believer Richard Dawkins in Los Angeles not too long ago before a packed audience of non-believers. Dawkins and Harris had a hour discussion of current topics and how much they hate the concept of God and that humanity has always worshiped and embraced the concept of a higher power. Dawkins and Harris have personal issues with humanity and their hatred of those wishing to embrace this idea is a shared vision of depravity and the elitism of these two individuals were highlighted throughout this discussion. these are two morons who are set in their beliefs and feel they are divine in their assessments   of humanity and the universe and listening to these two goof balls embrace their ideas and bash others was nauseating after ten minutes.
 Harris and Dawkins talked about Brexit and Dawkins implored that there is a Democratic process and that people would be allowed to deny a pact or union with the continent of Europe as Dawkins was a big supported and backer of globalism and open borders. Sir Dawkins basically showed what an elitist ass and only believes someone with a title or scientific knowledge or status should have a voice when it comes to trade pacts and alliances. Harris and Dawkins have disdain for the common average man and they both believe that somehow religion and old folklore is inferior and deserving of economic subjugation by the elitists such as themselves. After Harris and Dawkins shared their animosity for the Brexit vote they signed books and had an expensive autograph session for all of their fellow elitist admirers who can shell out big bucks to watch to assholes who think they are smarter than the world.

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