Gushamr brutally killed in a public john by clowns in Naples Italy

Whitaker Marshal
   Gushmar decided to try a public bathroom one evening after the Italian hipster was out drinking  craft beer with his buddies in the downtown district of Naples. Italy is one of the homes of DM prank, the famous internet company for the best clown pranks seen through YouTube and for this night they had staged several pranks in the men's John. The horror of death Gushmar was about to face resembled his native Bosnia in the nineties as he walked into a toilet that was all bloody with a staged murder scne eHe immediately tried to exit the facilities
 only to be met at the door by a scary clown holding a knife. he immediately shut the door and held it tight from the creepy clown trying to get into the outhouse in a dark and deserted Italian park. Gushmar held the door tight for fear of the clown getting in and putting the sword to his throat as the clowns big shoes banged the door constantly in a zombie like trance trying to force his way into the toilet commons. Gushmar held the door tight until he heard the flushing of a toilet and upon seeing another clown come out after finishing a healthy shit.
Gushmar's reaction was one of total horror and repulse seeing another creepy clown with a chainsaw. This is by far my favorite of the millions of clown pranks on YouTube as Gushmar readily accepts death and finality in a public stall in Naples or some Italian city where DM Pranks the shutout of when not in their usual North American location. Gushmar falls by the stall and offers little resistance content that his last moment son earth shall be in a public stall and underneath a creepy clown about to cut him up like chop liver. Shumar was another victim of the insane clown posse

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