Astronomer Neal Evans comes on Rag radio and has no problem with billionaires giving billions looking for space aliens

Gerald Jasper
   Austin, Texas based Rag radio  host Thorne "Thor"  Dreyer is a major progressive needing money for social causes but said nothing when astronomer  Neal Evans declared some billionaires gave millions to help search for extraterrestrial life. The whole notion of money and resources being devoted in hopes of finding green men in the stratosphere and beyond is incomprehensible to me and something I will always find utterly fucking ridiculous. Neal Evans talked about is years as an astronomer and how teaching space has been an incredible experience. the search for life in the cosmos Mr Evans explained always will be based n life expectations on Earth as other unknown lifeforms cannot be readily explained or dreamed up and this underlines the stupidity of the goal as there could be zillions of life forms in Space and beyond none being recognizable to what people have expectations form years of Hollywood dreaming and Earth observations. mankind also will never pocess  the technology of living ability to travel the cosmos so thinking about it is as productive as a turtle dreaming of out maneuvering a fox. I am surprised that Mr Evans and Thorne would say nothing of how these Billionaires money could of been used her eon earth that would be more helpful than look for three-legged Toad-Like humanoids in the Velcro Star system. This is Absolute absurd and a waste of rich peoples tax-avoiding fortues
For astronomers though the idea of a advanced carbon based lifeforms in flying saucers coming by and flying by earth is their bread and butter. professor astronomer Neal Evans and another guest talked space and aliens with Thorne on his politically progressive radio program and the guests educated Thorne about types of life that could exist in our solar system and beyond.Image result for thorne dreyer
the astrophysicist also talked about the cut in funding for wasted space travel and the implications here on earth and less dinero for science and engineering aficionados like himself that these baseless and wasteful research dollars often go out into the vacuums of space. This space exploration and Martian discussion from rag radio was interesting as Thorne is a dude whose guests more often include femine   Nazis more than Neil Degrasse Tyson wanabees. The promotion and push for money for space projects and exploration is just an excuse for the educated engineering elites to garner money into their coffers and push an agenda that financially benefits them and their ilk against the wishes and needs of the masses and the basic economic value of billions spent on space is about as economically beneficially for people  as watching a Bugs Bunny and Marvin Martian cartoon for forty hours a weeks at home instead of working

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