The wily old coot and rascal Jim Hightower is at it again making radio and podcast appearances left and right following the victory of Donald J Trump against the democratic corruption machine. Jim Hightower acts like he is a populist progressive against government corruption but this rascal Texan often attacks republicans much more that Democrats who are whores for foreign dark money allowing immigrants to come here and money launder these dollars and share in the rewards in Americas blue cities. of course, Jim Hightower is from Republican territory in rural backwater Texas so he has much more of an emphasize on what is perceived by him right-wing Christian hardliners that he hates so much in his native state of Texas.
Hightower is a guy who doesn't like Christian to have any morality viewpoint for their areas and often bashes them for not being open to the sleaze that mainstream media wishes to enforce upon everyone. jts funny how you have all these Democrats bitching about right-wing Christians pushing their culture on others while they say nothing of the monopolistic television and film industries long accomplishing this goal onto the minds and brains of our youth. Mr Hightower refers to these people as rascals but all he happens to be is a rascal and shill for the coastal city Democratic establishment.
Jim Hightower appeared on Ralph Nader's podcast and everyone knows Nadar is green partied out old dude and he is green in jealousy of the populism appeal that Donald Trump. Nader tried once to be president but was overwhelming rejected not even being close in a contest and has continued to put his dwindling voice and importance out here on these little listened to podcasts. Hightower appeared with nadir and the two populist leftist legends again talked the same bullshit of a grassroots movement lad a ada nada adu a doo doo. Needless to say both of these men are very dismayed that trump is the president and has both houses of congress and they would of preferred to see the status quo of the old bag second Clinton term helping to funnel more wealth and prosperity towards Mexican elites and the new Chinese billionaire class at the detriment and living standard. these guys have not been for the American people but instead been shills for foreign elements wishing to cause harm on American industry and business helping create an environment where many jobs were forced rto go overseas with the progressive leftist demands for regulation which weakens American non-immigrant rural areas much more that big coastal cities that get financial rewards in investors of the international global class.
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