Jordon Morgan
Pastor Rick Wiles had gentleman Jim Rogers on his Christian propaganda broadcasting truenews site. "gentleman" Jim is one of the leading authorities on the economy often appearing in hundreds of thousands web sites and interviews on economic and cultural matters and the old coot was optimistic about the fortunes of a trump presidency. Rogers says there are forces that want to keep tension and mistrust and open the possibility of war with Russia. those forces now will have more difficulty and do not like a lessening of this tension as Trump and Putin come closer to their similar goals. China will be the target of a Trump administration according to Jim Rogers has this country had long taken advantage of a Obama administration wishing to see the country stronger as a global counterweigh to the west and NATO. Pastor Wiles says in a perfect world you wouldn't have Muslims in the west with ability to get behind a truck and use it has a jihadi weapon against Christians and the corrupt Clinton and Obama admistration is personally responsible for this risk all Western Christian countries find themselves in a perilous condition with millions of members of a hostile alien race now joining an already hostile one in the descendants of slaves whose members will always have hatred and bitterness against the majority. Jim Rogers said there is not an iota of evidence Russians di everything and that all the talk about Russia is meant to undermine the upcoming new administration and is black smoke and that a Hillary Clinton election victory would likely put tis country on a path of war. A trump presidency will fortunely reset a new relationship wit Russia and America where handling and coordination of international tensions and troubles will be more practical and bury the cold war. Rogers can't believe there are those who still see Russia in cold war Soviet terms as Russia is now a capitalist country long gone from the days of the gulag.
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