Steve Dahl's book sucks as it shows no pictures of actual disco Demolition riot

Herbert Gilbert
  Steve Dahl came to Chicago from Detroit in late 1978 and transformed Chicago's FM radio and declared a holy war against disco soon developing a major following from Ted Nugent type redneck rock n roll fans that both cities had developed as a local music scene. Forty years later Steve dahl and his partner Garry Meier are still on the air speaking of  their daily encounters with their fellow Chicagoans whether it be in a restaurant or on a train.Image result for steve dahl book the dynamic radio duo though is best known for the disco demolition baseball riot that occurred in July of 1979 when thousands of rock n roll young punks ran the field between a double header and at the moment when dahl exploded 1400 disco records on center field. I was at that riot and a what turned to be a slow trickle of young fans braving the stage exploded into a full scale riot as Bill Veech, the Chicago White Sox owner, was notoriety known for being cheap with stadium security staff. Dahl and his important friends deny there was any racism or homophobia in his anti-disco obsession and crusade but clearly hating th eMusic for its followers was a major role in this anti-disco rise in Chicago and America at the time. Image result for steve dahl book Dahl continues to milk this incident for dinero and has recently wrote a book detailing the incident at Comisky Park on July 12, 1979. Steve Dahl's book "Disco demolition" the Night Disco Died sucks ass because there are only pictures of him pre-riot as he was dressed like Sargent slaughter prepare for war and one has to wonder if Dahl had prior knowledge his rough South Side burn out fans would cause a battle and destroy the turf and hide of the field. No where in dah's book are there shots of the stuff that actually made this a famous incident as apparently any cool pictures of the actual riot and kids running amok was censored and not allowed in this book. I loved calling Dahl through the years always asking dumb questions about this riot and perhaps my consistent nagging made this guy think there could be some easy jingle on a book like this.  This book is all about the elites, local comedians,  station managers, and other minor celebrities talking about this incident who were around Chicago in this era and it makes for a boring read. I was actually hoping to see myself in some of these pictures from this riot but contriere there would be no actual pictures of the rioters who really made this event memorable canceling a few games and the folks who actually made Steve dahl's radio career in the Windy City more than a blip on a radar. Image result for steve dahl book

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