Japan is a proud nation with a long history and has tried feverishly to avoid the casinoification of the global economies that do nothing but spread corruption. Donald trump , the president, played golf with Japanese leader Abe "Lincoln" Shinzo the other day and members of the media were all upset at the new realization that they are not gong to get the fun press job under a Trump administration and members of the press were put in mothers basement type setting with black sheets covering the window while the Donald had fun and played this exciting sport.
Trump was the businessman again for a day and showed his persona and excellent negotiating skills with the hard scrabble Mr Shinzo. What has been reported is that after a long fight by the corruption casino company tactics of getting a toe hold in japan, this pacific country just a few months ago opened their first casino and clearly Donald trump is behind the effort to get Japan as filled with dirty money laundering dark money as possible. The days of the eighties where the Japanese are investing and buying up shit may return again under a trump administration nostalgic with all things Japan. Trump was so happy about the days returning and Japan being filled with casino projects and buildings he even let Mr Abe win this important game of golf. North Korea shot some missiles towards the seas to pretty much show their displeasure of this new opening and alliance between the two nationalistic leaders who will show the North Korean leader little mercy in the upcoming years and expect japan to build up its army and navy at an unprecedented level under a Trump administration and he rightfully has convinced the Japanese they need to take a more provocative approach to protecting their nation.
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