German chancellor Angela Merkel forced to deny she is seeking atomic bombs for the Muslim owned and oppresive EU super state

Clark Kramer
   Make no mistake Angela Merkel is in the pockets of Sunni extremism and money and she wishes to remake  the German nation into a brown Muslim caliphate. Angela Merkel had to be rebuked the other day as talk of Germany acquiring nuclear weapons was bantered as Donald J Trump told the kleptocrats of Europe than American trailer park military soldiers were no longer going to support their frivolous lifestyles. Image result for angela merkel nuclear
The nobility class in Europe has long disdained Americans and the people serving the red, white, and Blue but often having to be deployed to protect the assets of wealthy Europeans. the reckoning of this policy is coming real soon and no longer will arrogant and reprobate Europeans have A Southern white Americans protecting them from the red menace. these people will now have to worry about protecting themselves from corrupt and rotten politicians like Angela Merkel who work in behest of a global order more than the citizens of Germany which she seeks to replace. This Frankenstein-faced brutally ugly and weak leader of Germany had to rebuke comments that Germany was trying to acquire nuclear weapons and become a super power of the fourth Reich. I hate Angela Merkel and the perversity this woman this woman stands for as she seeks her fourth term as chancellor of Germany and the German people need to tell this wicked witch of Syria kaput. Lie Hillary Clinton this bought politician seeks to fill formerly white countries with brown refugees and backwards backwater rural hillbillies of radical Islam in the heartland of western civilization. Germans are fed up seeing their formerly clean streets filled wit these bearded hostile looking Muslims who hate women and everything Western Christian civilization stands and Muslims and other migrants could never have received a toe hold threatening Europe without traitorous fucks leading countries such as this witch. A woman and leader like this expressing desire for nuclear weapons should be seen not as aiding and protecting Europeans but aiding the enemies of it explicably the lands of Arabia and the Gulf states such as Qatar ,Oman, United Arab Emirates and so forth.

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