Kim Jung Un assassinated by Malaysian agents from hell

Whitaker Marshal III
   Kim Jung In has been assassinated shortly after the world meeting between Donald Trump and Abe Shinzo and the reverberations of this assassination will have a major impact in international affairs. The North Korean dictator was killed by agents hit women sent to Malaysia to kill the infamous North Korean dictator who has ruled wit an iron fist after inheriting his position following the death of his father Kim Jung I. Kim Jung In was perhaps the modern days worse dictator leader who sent millions to brutal living conditions and camp labor prison systems in North Korea and why the government of Malaysia would do this hit and create an major breakdown in stability with a regime that by all reports and purpose evidently have nuclear capability. This hit on Kim Jung In is insane as retribution by this North Korean regime will likely occur as the North Korean state and its committed goal for socialism and a mixture of Korean supremacy is sure not to let this humiliation go and a war between Malaysia and North Korea appears likely.
 Now don't get me wrong Kim Jung was a bad person perhaps the worse dictator the world has seen since Pol Pot. Kim Jung In would kill entire families and eat their dogs and cats for a joke, but for a nation to hire these she-male type women to stalk the North Korean leader and stick poison syringes into him was a plot for movies and not reality and Malaysia  is playing nuclear football with the bad Koreans. We will have tp get more  nformation back to you about this in upcoming posts and news on likely successor for Kim Jung In and whether the Russians will have any influence in selecting who the next kim Jung bum will be leading the North Korean pariah state.Image result for kim jong brother assassination

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