Liberal shits like David Pakman and Sam Sedar bash Betsy Devos and her Bear and Cougar dangers pose rural school kids

Jordon Morgan
Make no mistake young ignorant leftist urban podcasters like Jews  Sam Sedar and David Pakman have no clue on anything outside their bubble. The political attacks of Donald Trump's education secretary Betsy Devos is a fear these urban leftists have that the nations educational system can  o longer be held and guaranteed as a place to spread leftist social engineering propaganda as the nations public schools have become. An example is the dozens of so Black lives matter and racial identity speakers and circuit New Trier High School in the Northern suburbs of Chicago  are going to force their kids to a civil rights day even though hardly any Black kids go to this ultra-wealthy school district. My high school even had some event last year forcing us to go and hear an three hour speech of hosw tough it is to be a Black man in America. Image result for betsy duvall education Educators just wish to force a early adaptation of White guilt to impressionable teens in New Trier and basically this is  the purpose school districts have become thanks to liberal academic takeover. Sam Sedar and David Pakman and their ilk also do not like the direction and wording this woman has described that needs to be done to reform this system of education as leftist don't want people to have a choice to avoid sending their kids to these indoctrination institutions and make little American hating Howard Zinns all over the country so they ridicule this woman every chance they get. They ridiculed this woman when she said that grizzly bears pose a problem and why guns are needed which if one googles will see frequent stories of crazy Cougars and Center bears actually do requiring a ranger/cop/official to terminate it for stalking children on school grounds. Image result for bear killed near schoolIf these pricks ever got out in the country and realize the situation maybe they would appreciate the comment and it wasn't so ridiculous. For example State wildlife officials have shot and killed a mountain lion near an elementary school in Missoula.
The Missoulian reports the mountain lion was reported Wednesday by Patrick Colleran, who first spotted the animal while out jogging with his dog. The Missoula resident says his dog chased the mountain lion until the cougar climbed up a tree. The political motivation in tryng to smear this woman and her opportunity to change the course of education justs shows that these two liberal podcasters are both a jackass and are assholes as Pakman and mr ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sedar are double losers and now have to be content as this woman was swon in by congress into this position.
Fish, Wildlife and Parks located and shot the 115-pound male cougar named Rusty  near Rattlesnake Elementary School and removed a dead deer it had been feeding on.
Wildlife Manager Mike Thompson says the mountain lion is likely one of a pair of siblings working the Rattlesnake Creek drainage and they often were sniffing around the school eyeing the tots most likely realizing a small primate would be easier than a big fucking buck. Missoula made no chances and blasted Rusty with a shotgun. You see Sedar and other liberals mocking Betsy for her comments on states need to decide on issues such as guns in schools is because Leftists represent the world view of the urbanite and have a financial incentive to keep teacher unions powerful and have federal control instead of state control on matters of education.

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