Professor Dickson Despommier coes on Raplh Nadar's show to decree that Rodrigo Duerte's drug war as no chance and nation should be given to drug trade and we should grow hemp in skyscraers

Lee Park Kong
  Dickson Despommier believes if you grow it they will build and they will come. A big time advocate of growing hep and vertical farming Mr Despommier was on Ralph Nadar's program talking about building vertical farms and the need for congree to allow the cultivation of hemp along with marijuana . Mr Nadar and Dicky said fighting the drug trade is useless as evident in the Philippines where drug peddling skyrocketed again as Philippine president relaxed his drug campaign war against the dealers and pushers for a month. In this month the scum has taken to the streets and Philippine leader declared data shows he needs to double down and will in the upcoming months on the scum wishing to get people doped up an bringing about a decline in living standards in the Philippines.

For Professor Dickson Despommier and old scalawag Ralph nadir this is a losing call as apparently both men wish to see no regulations on all sort of hard-core drugs. In fact,  Nadar and Dickson wish to see growth in the hemp and marijuana industry and that both of these misleaders know full well soft drugs like pot eventually lead to the scourge of awful Methamphetamines which threatens both the United States and Philippines and has lead to Rodrigo  Duerte's campaign to eradicate this scourge. the power of those wishing to promote drug and the trade and cultivation world wide can be seen in the heavy resistance against Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte and again the globalists try to involve policy and dictate the narrative in another nation and involve themselves internally within domestic issues of a country. As Duerte relaxed his power to deal with internal police issues the drug trade came immediately out of the shadows and the number of killings by drug dealers is not announced and reported as are police killings by Duerte's police.  As far as vertical farming and growing food in skyscrapers, as Mr Despommier was advocating, this idea is about as stupid as importing and growing food from the Moonn. Image result for ralph naderThe costs of electricity and so forth would be astronomical and basically this clown thinks we can sustain growing populations of non-whites on the planet that after destroying the habitats of animals we can just grow food and get developers to go up in building. This crazy Frenchman professor Despommier to tell ralph to tell his third world people you can't be having children like popcorn anymore and that there just needs to be a mass starvation to drop the numbers of brownies who are never really intelligent or clever in culture and just represent numbers and strength for brutal theocracy and autocratic rule. Shitface Ralph Nadar and this jerk think we should just give into all aspects of the drug trade and allow it to grow and thus I challenge them to live in the worse barrios in Mexico or the Philippines and study and report after a month if these turkeys survive and se if they still agree with this nonsense. giving in to those who push drugs is much more harmful to a society than outlawing these substances and obviously Dickson and ralph fried their brains long ago on this material and it affects their judgment to this day. Image result for rodrigo duterte drug dealers in philippines

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