Jake Glass
Bobcats are cute little wild cat a little bigger than your domesticated cat but they have the temperament of being king of the jungle no different than a Lion. I often think Bobcats think they are Lions and in the rural backwater forests of North America they often rule as they are one. Bob the bobcat is a little beast that i want to cuddle and love to death and he was at it agian with the nameless ubiquitous dirty Coyotes of the American ouback. Missouri is fly by country but home to an amazing diverse wildlife that thrives despite the increase of farmland and humanity through the decades.

Bobcats are not ahhhas ubiquitous yet as Coyotes and this is what makes them much more exotic and they don;t take any shit from these snoop doggs in the wilds. Bob remembered how he had some deer meat stolen fr a pack of rabid Wild J Coyotes and he took his anger and revenge on one particular Coyote the other day named JKX54382 and the video of the humbling of this weak coyotes was shared through Youtube. A couple on a trail captured the moments before Bob totally eviscerated this Coyote and the humiliation of JKX something was filmed and shared for the world to see. coyotes are not any beast sand couldn't stand p to a full grown tabby house male cat yet alone a tough wildcat or bobcat out in the field as these species often clash looking for field mice. We love watching Bob the bobcats viral videos out on Youtube even more than the various clown pranks and we will continue to feature this incredible animal as it continues to battle the Wild Coyotes and Crazy Cougars out in North Americas wilderness.

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