David Pakman and his boyfriend co-host Lewis know little on actual causes of gerrymandering

Clark Kramer
  David Pakman did a whole expose recently on gerrymandering and he seems upset at it blaming it for the reason that Republicans are in control of this county. He says politicians have picked their voters instead of the other way around and many liberals these days as this little-listened to podcaster are just so mad so sad at the political process because it is  putting to power politicians and idea they do not hold with strong favor. David Pakman and his gay lover partner Lewis recent look and examination of gerrymandering was pathetic and does't take into account that voters can move on their own and often choose to live and reside around like-minded neighbors. The whole complaint by mainly liberals against suppose rigging of the political system
through gerrymandering doesn't hold weight as no one is naturally born a Republican and Democrat and if they were then his argument may hold some more traction. Gerrymandering is a result of political discord that propagandist shits from Argentina and Israel love to put forth and promote and this country has always been divided with regional and sub-regional conflicts through politics. somehow David Pakman seems to think that districts should be carved out to be as even as possible and that more power would be given to Democrat voters in Republican districts but in reality this complaint would do little to change the power overall as he hopes.
Gerrymandering is a result of also appeasing minorities and trying to get as many Black and Brown faces in congress as representation and if Pakman and his girlfriend want to look at the culprit for suppose gerrymandering then these two fags need to loo at their own parties backdoor instead of their own. The pro-trade urban elite and their over-valuation of their neighborhoods have more to do with gerrymandering than any republican conspiracy and what really upsets these two fools is that there are many people outside their urban bubble who don't agree with them from issues like taxation for the poor and allowances for transvestites to use women's toilets as they wish to see a national consensus on issues they feel are important and should be decided by  heir local like-minded politically and socially connected and privileged urban powers who think and express like them.

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