Greg Jericho is a shill writer for the global traders all worried and concerned Donald Trump will end the corruption and abuse of the American nation through connected global business exchanges. Jericho says the problem with trumps trade changes is that America is a consuming nation more than an exporter but the knucklehead exactly answered to as why there needs to be a reset and get America making things again for export and the ending of importing cheap labor made products is a form of financial terrorism on the economy of the United States that big wigs millionaires initiated so they can become billionaires. one must shudder to think what future billionaires would be willing to sell out their countrymen to become the first trillionairies and selling out and destroying the economy of a nation-state is the least of the concerns for these bastards.
Greg Jericho is just a shill lame ass writer for this elite waging class war on the Middle and working classes around the world. Guardian writer Greg Jericho is a shit always has been a shit and always will be a shit Australian writer advocate of global trade as the guardian publication pays the prick a good income for this work. this guy doesn't realize it but American consumers do not need to keep buying cheap foreign imports and doing so has been devastating for our country,workers, and local governments and services available and trade only benefits a small class of people who can use extra tremendous profits to print bullshit like Jericho's columns in the Guardian. His recent tirades and rants against Trump show the fear of hi and others of president trump upending the global trade order that essentially has made America a colony to be extracted from the upper one percent of many many other countries including this shitheads native Australia.
e have to see Australia for as it is and this is an outpost of the British Empire and a group that truly has never been our ally but adversary often pushing native Americans to kill settlers in our early years as a nation. Australian and British globalists are about as dangerous if not more for this country than any Chinese and Russian ICBM missile and the Australian and London economic axis has thrived in this era of globalization much of it at Americas expense.

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