Reggie Jackson wants some action and as a Black Lives matter radical and director of the Black holocaust museum Reggie speaks much in the Milwaukee area about the injustices of Blacks. he says nothing of Black crime and the injustices that Americans have had to deal with this criminal alien dangerous terrorist class of people like Reggie and he spoke for the past few months examining racial segregation in the Milwaukee area. Reggie Jackson is an arrogant Black radical punk who should be honest and explain the reason Milwaukee's suburbs are predominant white is that Black crime and oppression has chased many white Milwaukee out of their neighborhoods as Blacks forced their ways into their garages and home invasions through the years repeating the same process seen in Detroit and Chicago decades prior.
it is the hatred field by the likes Reggie Jackson that promote and sustain segregation as White Milwaukee live in constant fear of these dangerous people whiten their borders and are spread with racism thanks to the likes of Reggie Jackson playing victimhood for crimes hundreds of years ago as Black Milwaukee commit murder and crimes against White people. the amount of Black on White crime in Milwaukee and elsewhere in this nation is staggering ignored by shits like Reggie Jackson and the mainstream media and what in fact in happening is a genocidal campaign against White Americans secretly being driven in this country with little exposure as not to have retribution and counter attack against the Black man. You see white people will keep accepting these black crimes and really don't care until it touches one of their own and family member.

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