Harriet Fraad and Dr Richard Wolff push for a motherhood compensation package that women receive paychecks for being mothers and wives

Eric Ericson
   Professor Harriet Fraad is a fraud and keeps appearing on Dr Richard Wolff's award winning broadcast to talk about relationships ,capitalism, and women's unpaid service in the domestic field through the generations. it seems that Harriet Fraad believes that women taking care of their own children that they choose to have should somehow e financial rewarded with a weekly stipend and paycheck. The talk this ditz has on women's unpaid domestic chores through the centuries is totally outrageous and absurd and would be like men wanting an extra paycheck for being a bread winner and having to go out and earn a living.
Dr Wolff has this woman on every so often to give a history of the rise of feminism as she complains that women didn't get paid for household chores such as cooking for the family and providing sexual services for the husband and one must wonder if Harriet Fraad blurs the line between wife and prostitute in her hundreds of speaking tours through this nation. This woman often speaks to Dr Wolff about the growing fact that women are as setting their financial independence and relationship choices as over 45 percent of children are born out of wedlock as women refuse to be stuck in dead end relationships as they had been in the past stuck in brutal abusive relationships.  I would personally love to hear this woman speak and question her as she explains that women got screwed over from raising the children that came out of their bodies  and feeding the kids and ironing their clothes. How loco Harriet can justify that women should be compensated extra by society for being good mothers is comical and this is a woman who undoubtedly was stressed out being a mother and wanted to profit more so she can buy jewelry or more clothes or shoes. Harriet and Dr Wolff are a joke on this topic and women who are wives and mothers are this and that is it there needs to be no financial incentive or bonus and anyone who says id bogus.

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