Jim Oberwieght
Shauna Arocho lives in rural backwater central Illinois capital of Springfield where the average woman is a size 16. Springfield, Illinois has more of these women and white Castles and cheap Dairy queens than any other town and these places are primarily the reason there are so many land whales in American society as James Howard Kuntsler use to say on his great podcast. in fact it is James Kuntsler's often keen observation that the drive-thru mentality and structure of suburbia and lack of walk able living is what so many of these fucks like Shauna Arochoa often resemble their automobile and the shape and counters of it instead of a human form. In case you missed it this woman, won claimed to be on a diet and loss one hundred ponds, decided to backtrack and treat herself to some fine ass Dairy Queen ice cream as the company was giving free ice cream to feed the fatties like this ugly woman. Women and men like this are often lazy sloths who prefer a couch than building and moving their body and the mind and body brain connections often needs movement and thinking to maintain overall health. The fact that Dairy Queen is mentioned much in these news reports makes me
wonder if this is not product news advertising in itself and fake news. Well this woman claimed to have a car load of teens in this backwater city of 99,000 (and this has seems to be the population stagnation since Abraham Lincoln times) rolled down their window and yelled eat that ice cream you big fat pig beast"" to this woman who immediately made a video through her phone and posted it through social media.
In the old days this incident would not have been news worthy but as corporations like Dairy Queen, with their products that make people into overweight lazy sloths as Shauna Arocho, seek news ways to advertise and reach out their brand something lie this becomes a newsworthy event. Shauna Arocho is a land whale as James Howard would often write and is a product of a selfish society always wanting to be pleased and overindulges in products such as pizza and dairy queen. No doubt this fat white woman's Mexican husband has filled her ass with plenty of burritos through the years as well also another product of great nutritional value if you want to be a miss piggy as most Mexicans are in America and Mexico.
America overindulgence in sugar is another topic many great authors like James Howard Kuntlser have discussed profusely though their books and perhaps this fat sow should read some health books instead of eagerly looking the newspapers for free Dairy Queen coupons. This woman even admitted that she became overweight and reached five hundred pounds because she ate food all of the time and one must wonder how people five hundred pounds even maintain a food bill and affordability is they are not scamming the system and getting tons of food stamps. This woman doesn't look like she pulls in fifty or more grand a year yet many of the poor in this country can maintain a heavy diet of food to tip the scales. James Howard Kuntsler often remarked as one gets further away from a financially sound city center the people get bigger and bigger. when he vacations to Europe Howard Kuntsler sees people biking and eating healthy slim as a pole as there are few dairy Queens in Paris and Amsterdam. If anything there needs to be more fat shaming instead of critical calls against it as these people threaten the very fabric of this country and are the reasons are health care costs are skyrocketing as they cannot even take of themselves and resemble beasts and whales with feet more than human beings.
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