King Muhammed VI tries to distract by playing hipster and being global for everyone

Ali Muhammad
   make no mistake King Muhammad VI is a monarch, elitist, nobleman, globalist and now you can add fashion hipster. The Moroccan madman despotic ruler of Morocco loves jet traveling and basically visiting all of these African lands and dressing like the natives.  The king also dwells in expensive fashions as it overall fits in his image as a Arabian King and expensive tastes of the various monarchs that came before him in North Africa and the Middle East. While the vast majority of his countrymen live in despair and distant squalor than from the royal tombs and McMansions of the Moroccan king, King Muhammad VI lives like a globalist spending much time out of is rule and spending massive amounts of money on high fashion
 the Western media and the fashion world is quick to embrace this royal clown because of the profits of selling overly expensive clothing to wealth hoarders ahhh much like a king of a North African monarch  would be expected to hold only for himself. Indeed King Muhammad VI and his beautiful Irish wife Lalla Salma often make many oversea vacations to elite cities and splurge on extravagant shopping sprees buying like they are shopping for and clothing the entire Moroccan  nation. Image result for kasbah morocco mapHowever this man is a puppet and no hipster and deep inside the kingdom a growing resentment is brewing that threatens to rock the casbah as this clown makes off with the kingdoms governmental wealth to go on these luxury ski trips and hundreds of thousand of dollars shopping spree in France. King Muhammad VI may one day pay the price for his addiction to western fashion and his work as a freelance ruler for the fashion world taking advantage of rulers with a soft spot and sweet tooth for Western brands,cartoonish behavior, and a sweet tooth over-indulging in Western materialism. After all would the sons of Muhammad approve of the lifestyle of hucksterism hipster of this Muhammad  in the royal office of this old kingdom

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