Peter Schiff and nerd named Brian Kelly clash brains waging battles over Bitcoin and Gold investment

Woody Underwood
   Brian Kelly is a shill for Bitcoin which s the latest attempt by the global elite to avoid oversea of their dirty money laundering and criminal networks from the increasing spying eyes of government. he appeared on CNBC and got into a heated debate with a scruffy looking Peter Schiff the other day on the merits of Bitcoin and the more practical need for gold and not phony cyber genetic currency being the option to printed money. Schiff called Bitcoin fools gold and is a fad and desperate attempt by wealthy people to move their money without surveillance and a middle man. this Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde debate was amusing and informative for those willing to invest their dough for either of these bakers and one has to wonder where the yeast opportunity to get screwed over and get the moldy product.
Kelly blasted gold rock investment that Peter Schiff is a legendary spokemans through the decades ad tells his clients the importance as Kelly said that the crypto currency represents a once-in-a-generation investment opportunity. Kelly was no clear though if this investment opportunity was available in major gins or potential once-in-a-lifetime losses sure to wipe out your savings in wealth as crypto-currency accounts have the potential with a fucking click of a button. I think this Brian Kelly and others brains are butter if they trust a hacking type currency program that will drain your funds and leave you little options for redress and only a moron wold invest in bitcoin and other cyber banking. Gold is a physical element that can be molded into great jewelry or put in a time glass and used as currency sprinkling it on a counter for your wares why Bitcoin is  basically another way for rich connected people to steal and take a bite out of your fortunes and steal all of your bread. Do not fall for it or ever listen to a squirmy nerd like Brian Kelly. Don't trust either of these fake bakers and put your money into some investment like Corner Bakery or Panera Bread and real intangiment investments.

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