Jordan Morgan is excited as at the Morris Center for performing arts Neil De Grasse Tyson will deliver another exoplanet talk and tour he does every so often. Jordon plans on watching and hopefully confronting some of the fake space news and nonsense that comes out from Neil De Grasse Tyson talking about all these planets and asteroids and how the first trilionaire will be the guy who discovers how to bring asteroids into earths orbit and helps cool the entire planet like Antarctica while mass profits and bring much colder weather to all the inhabitants of mother Earth. Neil De Grasse Tyson praises NASA discoveries of supposed shadow planets and the news media praises these discoveries even though no one actually sees the fucking planet. A Tyson says we know they exist because they are scientists and we should trust them and continue to allow massive expenditures of government for an industry that funds talking heads such as himself.
There s no difference except one fact that early man and other living organisms were part of a livable habitat and Tyson should be honest that there is no current way for man to ever live beyond the scope of life on Earth. The question though is why would Neil be honest about moving life through space when his bullshit makes so much money for researchers here on Earth. Neil De Grasse Tyson will never be Neil Armstrong and man has trouble getting back on the moon for a few days than to waste money on fake planets and ever inhabiting other distant rocks. Neil De Grasse Tyson better have a Q and A after this talk
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