Lee Park Kong
Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte takes little shit when it comes to crime and he does not want to see his great culture and president fall aside from drugs and become like Black America. Duterte and his agents have done something this country has no backbone and this is to go after and kill drug dealers and pushers and he recently called the European Union and Americas drug policies an calls for the Philippines to treat addicts as loco.

These bastards in Europe want Asian countries to follow suit and imitate their soft policies on drug addicts thus encouraging growth of the sales and profits of illegal narcotics and Rodrigo Duterte is having none of this for the Philippines which has seen tremendous growth as in America with the problem of crystal meth which meshes peoples brains and turn it into butter. these drug addicts become killer and then blame their random brutal crimes on being higher than a kite. Duterte is following up and continuing his policy of executing drug sellers and perhaps no other brave world leader is hitting this problem head on the way it needs to be attacked and disallowed. Duterte can't believe that Europe is demanding a health-based solution to the drug problem as health advocates want increased growth to solve and profit for themselves encouraging this scourge on a civilization. Duterto told the EU leaders to go fuck themselves and their drug addicts in the ass and he will continue to kill those who sell and push shabu on the Philippine leader.

Duterte called the EU leaders sons of a bitches for trying to enforce their drug easement and lenient for drug addicts upon the Philippines. Europe's softness on drug addicts and encouragement of offering these son of a pigs free drugs is policy of the insane and in no way will Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte soften up his belly or country and allow drug fucks to practically be coddled and take over a country's policies as liberal Europe.
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