Rural Peabody and Massachusetts is a backwater like any Southern state as drug-fueled brutal murders illustrate need to fight drug legalization

Andy Cruz
   Peabody, Massachusetts is a backwater rural backwards town that should give indications that Massachusetts is not all this urban educated bastion of the North East. While Boston has its share of yuppie psychopaths as city dwellers are way into white-collar  monetary crimes people in rural areas are a tad more dangerous overall in America and the world. A disturbing brutal Jack the ripper Jason crime a few weeks ago put one of these rural Massachusetts Backwater towns into the spotlight and once agian drugs played an issue in this crime. two Middle-Aged bastards killed a middle age couple in the most grosome manner that would make Freddy Kruger throw up. 
 Massachusetts has these liberal rural towns like Northampton who push drugs onto society and declare that pot and other drugs are harmless and should be legalized but this is further from the case and the murders of Mark Greenwell and Jennifer O'Conner are further examples of peoples lives ruined y drugs as this house was a crack place and drew riffraff from all over to do and deal with illegal narcotics.Image result for peabody murder crime
Ultra-liberals know people in the countryside and rural areas are less able to afford treatment and get help for the addiction problems that the moronic drug legalize pushers keep advocating and buying up politicians to legalize the so'called harmless ones first before they go full legalization of coke.meth, and all others. Drugs pushes up crime on all fronts and homicidal maniacs are produced by many types of drugs as were the killers of this couple in the deranged Michael Hebb and Wes Doughery. all four of these individuals are marked in tattoos and had lifetime criminal records and did drugs after drugs and rural areas like Peabody are full of filth of only being interested in acting like urban ni***ers.  Rural areas like Peabody exist in all states  north,South,west, and east around the country and can only get worse as cities hoard economic gains and push drug legalization onto a population that can least afford these brutal addictions and chemicals into their already sunken brains. These two tramps who killed this couple reminds historians of the tramp scare of the 1870's when a bunch of hobos were hopping trains and killing people because of drugs even back then. Only those who want society to go backwards would want to see the scourage of drugs spread.

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