Sam Sedar mentions Morton Downey Junior while discussing American political division since the loss of the Vietnam War

Wally Jackson
   Sean Illing is an idiot and appeared on Sam Sedar's propaganda podcast the other day and talked about the division created by the American left and the Vietnam war has implications to this day. what was most telling in this interview was when Sedar talked about the rise of right-wing talk radio in the ahhh spectrum of this diagnose of the splintering of the American left from the new deal. Sam Sedar went on to mention Morton Downey Junior rise in retrospect of the eventual  media focus and rise of right-win g pundits including Rush Limbaugh. To hear Sam Sedar mention Mort Downey Junior and his acknowledgement and impact Downey had on the national TV scene was a coronation of the demise of air airhear air America failures of a chump like Sam Sedar. Sam should of admitted the real reason that the democratic party,leftists,liberals and progressive chumps can never spend for attaining the same radio broadcast and media strength that Chicago's own Morton Downey Junior predicted on tal radio back in the lte eighties.
Liberal are paying so much tribute to Negroes that there e is no money to achieve the same level of media monstrous impact the right is able to bring about not paying minorities with a political racial  agenda  and handouts urban Democrats and investing money from colored nations can hep bring about in America. Related image Sean Illing and Sam Sedar want none of this information to come about and these chumps are so green with jealousy at the  popularity and impact the Rush Limbaughs and Michael Savage's are able to produce. These men popularity would never have been able to come about without the power,grace, and vision of Morton Downey Junior who was often a target of some teenage Left shark pranksters out there. Sedar and this liberal philosopher Illing could never have a tough edge and kick ass like a Morton Downey Junior as  the left's own sensitivity and snowflake attitude would never be able to tlerate it and Sedar and Illing are beholden to political foreign money that can't be so anti-American and edgy, which is their platform,without facing a total backlash from the American people who would beat and deport these treasonous bastards back to Canada or mexico where they belong and can plot against air America from there, which incidently and coinicidently is exactly what they do. They are as to why South Vietnam was lost to communism and fortunately has not turned into another North Korea as the left in America and Canada has hoped.

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