Wayne Besen is no longer having his propaganda raio program on WCPT radio in Chicago as he is kaput and new hot was heard on Mr Besen's afternoon program slot. After year or two of his radical thoughts and talk on WCPT is appears that the Trump administrations desire to go after people lie Besen. Wayne is bad news and most often was fake news often making up facts that were declared by liberal political achievement. Wayne Besen often got frustrated with what he called "trolls' on his program and needless to say these patriot callers helped fuel a short career for this gay man who wanted pen borders for gay Colombians so they can come to his apartment and open his backdoor. Many people in the city woke up happy with the fact that Wayne Besien was no longer a part of the Chicago scene and little was said by WPCT on Wayne's future or reaosning for his sudden departure from the airwaves.

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