The original jokster gangster Caesar Romero's character responsible for all these modern creepy clown sightings

Jamie Logan
  Creepy clowns scare the shit out of me and before I go to bed I watch one of two creepy clown pranks to get me to fall asleep. I got to thinking that the first creepy clown on television had to be Caesar Romero and his joker on batman and the creepiness of the original joker was no j ahh joke. Before the joker was ruined with stupid reincarnations form Hollywood that were dumb and unrealistic creepy clown Joker from the original batman TV series was the original prankster and gangster. The line between gangster forties era and maniac circus clowns was completely mashed by the actor named Caesar and it is shame he didn't get his own super hero spinoff. Television was not ready to have a villain star and dominate the airwaves and all we have from the original creepy clown Joker was just a bunch of Batman episodes with the lame Adam West.
Despite the dipshits nerdist portrayal of the caped crusader the original Batman series in the sixties was a forerunner to the super hero and villain dominate that would come four decades later on the silver screen. I doubt though without the joker in this original series that batman would of taken off and become almost as huge as Darth Vader and the cast of Star Wars later on as the idea of a clown being a evil villain was outrageous at the time when people held circus performances and event in high regard as important annual entertainment coming to a dead end area. Caesar Romero's joker was the perfect sly fox villain hiding his identity behind a childish image adults had that kids should enjoy and the outrage by many that a clown would be a Villain was big news and criticism back in the day. Many country folks did not like the idea that circus entertainers were to be seen as villains especially one portraying a fucking clown. The invidious nature of these evil clown pranksters threatening to pour gasoline on peoples are at three AM in isolated gas stations are all a result of the Joker form batman.
The Joker was a neurotic and eccentric queer in batman and television viewers were shocked at the scandalous actions of the likes of the Joker ,Riddler, penguin and that cat bitch which many saw as risqué in the era and as a result batman was one of many great sixties shows that were very short-lived. People may not realize it, but Caesar Romero's batman character personally lead to todays multifarious creepy clown pranks both professional and amateur on the World Wide Web

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