Andy Zaltzman blasts Donald Trump and Brexit and considers running for president in Britain,America, and Australia.

Lonnie Yeager
   British activist and comedian Andy Zaltzman is furious at the election process in America and as a globalist takes a keen interest to how the American public votes. The Lithuanian heritage Jewish comedian as made Britain home and is globalist first and British Empire second. Zaltzman has a tremendously popular podcast and is one of the top comedians in the world and he is an angry Andy  as hell that English voters decided they didn't want to handed their country over to Indian and China in neo-liberalism new world order. Andy Zaltzman is seriously considering running for Great Britannias prime minister race and queen in order to get Great Britain back form Brexst and back firmly in control of German and Swissland's Central bankers and this is whom Andy Zaltzman and other entertainers work for in society. Andy Zaltzman is also considering running for president of the United states and challenging and defeating Donald Trump.
Andy Zaltzman and his various guest hosts filling in for his former side kick John Oliver have been blasting Trump fro day one he defeated their preferential candidate in Hilary Clinton who would of run the country similar to how David Cameron and Angela Merkel wished to hand the country to Muslims. Andy Z would follow i  the footsteps of these fine loyal leaders of country and would continue on the course of destroying western civilization form the inside of those who would sell out their fellow countrymen for some extra gold and silver. Without his fellow stooge Mr Oliver Image result for andy zaltzmanAndy's show is tanking and he is taking more and more to the road visiting Australia and getting involved in another countries politics which he doesn't need to be getting his nose and hair into. One can wish that Andy takes up scuba diving and surfing while in Australia and recently Andy has been talking about creepy clowns and crazy sharks on his podcast which for this blog is always an important topic of thought. Andy Zaltzman is both a political shark pundit for progressives and a creepy clown spokemen of politics and so it is natural this putz would get into politics in several countries. while Andy is in Australia he is expected to push and activist work for aborigines and promoting an independent state which one day he can come back and talk politics and give his globalist view of the internal politics and domestic issues of boomerrang lands.

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