Free Talk Live New Hampshire libertarian radicals and separatists Ian Free man and mark edge are concerned with president trump and the pentagons refocus and strategy shift in fighting Black Muslims in East Africa. the Kenyan occupied Islamic sympathizer Barack Hussein Obama went soft on the African scourge terrorist organization Al-Shabaab in the past few years allowing this African organization to spread and cause terror throughout Kenya and Somalia. A pentagon proposal signed by president Trump last Wednesday has angered these Run Down libertarian fags mark edge and Ian freeman who took to the airwaves of their little listened program and defended Al Shabaab and were very upset at this new allowances to go after Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab militants hard.
Mark edge and ian freeman lied saying the United states hard tactics will create more recruits into Al- Shabaab to fight Americans and Somalia soldiers fighting to stabilize this God forsaken country overrun with savages of the Koran. Perhaps these two jackasses need to leave their bubble and roost of rural backwater New Hampshire and live in east Africa and read the daily reports of Islamic terrorism and brutal killings the name of Allah which Muslims do just for power and intimidation on others. Muslims have been causing havoc and terrorism in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia , and the region and fighting back against terror does not add to recruitment as much as being weak and allowing the terrorists to grow and expand their base through terror, intimidation, and forced recruitment or success.
Edge and Freeman know this is what really grows Islamic terrorism as it was spreading and adding recruits well in the seventies and eighties long before major American involvement I the area and it is terrorism itself against business and our allies that causes American involvement I the region. the Free Talk live fags do not want American military and our allies to efficiently and effectively wage war against a brutal Al-Shabaab ragtag terrorist organizations that get funding for other Islamic terrorist organizations. these fools know that Al-Shabaab has grown because we didn't wage major offensives and war against this pirate nation and organization because the Obama admiration for Muslim terrorists and he only reluctantly allowed any help to the Somalian national forces to fight the growing outside funded terrorism being imported into the region from wahabbisist global promoters of Muslim tyranny. Edge and Freeman ignore the various number of attacks against oceanfront restaurants and police stations by these terrorist organizations and how they are responsible for Somali continuing to be a brutal failed state and whether these free talk live asses like it or not there will be a growing American presence in the region. Ian and Mark are so upset at trump's increase military spending these jerks are going to go around their neighborhood and put out more pamphlets for New Hampshire independence
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