Jeff Holden Uber aims for flying cars and has about as much chance and practicality as the Jet pack

Jamie Logan
   Uber plans of working with rich people who don't like to sit in traffic and local governments to get cozy and crony with plans of Uber flying cars dodging the skyscrapers and pigeons in elite Blue cities. The Uber flying car dream Ponzi scheme is just stupid and insane and brought to you by the fiction writer and Chief product officer Jeff Holden. This mans original mission of giving rich people back their times and alleviate congestion and pollution is a natural progression to take to the skies and finally bring about the flying car. I say fuck with the car and just have a robot drone jet pack for once and all giving elite and the general population eventually the right to fly like an Eagle. A concept like this can only be  funded and allowed  y big urban centers realizing it is better to spend and prop up a huge company funding them on their elaborate fake news and visions of the future that have no practicality of being practicable and able as other real infrastructure to move people about is aging and crumbling by the kleptocrats greed to fund themselves and mission impossible projects such as Uber's

Uber announced in it Elevate Summit in Dallas it has formed relationships with corrupt cities and companies to work together on a plan that has about as much chance of bringing out flying cars as Starbucks has of bringing drinkable coffee rain from a cloud. The concept and dangers posed by flying cars raining down is not seriously considered by an industry and concept that is not serious in nature and Uber would be better off from developing the ahhh jet pack or better yet how about a city-wide ski lift ahhh like one would encounter on an expensive ski trip to Aspen.
There is also no real reason to have to mine more material and create more machinery for elevating passengers and I'm surprised Uber executives and the shit head Jeff Holden just don't dream of breeding huge Condor Birds. The Uber flying car has less of a chance of actually being adapted by cities and companies than bring back the Pterodactyl and train them to carry folks with different strokes. Uber is a company valued at 70 billion dollars and chances are this valuation is based on the companies ability to snooker city leaders
and the media that it would pr profitable and sustainable to move the ultra-wealthy in the skies so they can shave forty minutes of their valuable time tied up in traffic and having to look at street people and taxi drivers snarled in traffic. When you can write your own value it is easy to dream and waste money and time on silly ventures such as flying cars when a huge ski lift or traversing escalators interconnecting from buildings  would be more practical. One has to wonder if Jeff Holden tried the jet pack and suffered serious brain damage in a landing.

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