Ramon Ramos
I have often wondered why Venezuela is as mad about base bore instead of soccer whenever this nation comes across the screen as news as it did the other day. socialist former bus driver and now president Nicolas Madura made a power play and tried to strip congress of power as this guy was inspired by Turkish president Recep Erdogan in successfully increasing the power of the president.

Maduro is no Simon Bolivar,no president,no leader and is one big joke. gthis guy shouldnt even be running a cockfighting pit h is so bad and Venezuelans have taken to the streets and battled his power grab as this clown knows he has no gift of gab and is not like old Hugo. The massive protest tough made Nicolas Maduro back down as this guy is lucky Hugo Chavez dropped and he could be driving a bus again any day if he pushes the people of Venezuela too far. Maduro has the charisma of a truck driver and he and the supreme court backed down of stripping legislative power for the assembly and people rose up feeling their democracy threatened by this pathetic effrontery leader who is still riding from the ghosts of Hugo Chavez.

Increasingly though the Venezuelan people are seeing this bus driver as who he is and this is an incompetent leader whose control of the courts shows his desperate of power as he has taken away the separation of power because he is so unpopular and not cool as Hugo Chavez had a following. If Maduro is not careful he will be driving a bus and i say let him drive the awful product and national embarrassment that is the Venezuelan soccer team. Nicolas Maduro is no more qualified to run and be president than whoever is the picayune unfortunate soul that has to drive the bad consistently losing Venezuelan soccer team in this baseball mad country. Maduros 'power grab this week was as weak as the

Venezuelan soccer team and Maduro is more and ore worried as the opposition won the national assembly in 2015 and Chavez and Maduro's legacy of hand outs to the poor and playing racial identity politics is crumbling this nations economy as inept rule of leaders like him playing citizens off against each other and envy politics threatens the very nature of democracy and a rational economy.
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