Rush Limbaugh should move to Venezuela

Ramon Ramos
   Conservative right-wing demagogue rush Limbaugh gave his two cent about socialism and the Latin American country of Venezuela the other day as he does form time to time. Limbaugh mentioned that the grocery stores are bare because of the leftist government take over through the years in this overty stricken and highly unequal country and Limbaugh mentioned something that the average Venezuelan is twenty pounds lighter than a year ago or seething to that affect. Limbaugh and others assert that Venezuelans are starving because of the inflation caused by socialism instead off concentrating the real culprit of inflation from shady capitalism price gouging from the Italian and Spanish global class that dominated the economy so much in Venezuela.
It is the brutal way this class has ruin this country through the years why there has been political turmoil in this land as thus state has always been run as a colony even following independence in this country a the Italian-Venezuelan catholic church hierarchal order seeks to create a dependent class of poverty people dependent  on the social services dictated and distributed by the Catholic church and the business community of do gooders in Venezuela. A corporate hack like Limbaugh will never really inform of the truth of Venezuela and Rush Limbaugh should really consider moving to this country is the average person is losing as much weight as he states often on his daily radio national show. One can see that Limbaugh is a person over- indulging through the years of America corn syrup food abundance and high meat and protein consumption and this often comes at a price for other nations unable to compete on the world market and price increase of product because of fat American meat heads like Rush Limbaugh and the capitalist class so overeating and abundaning the planet for their consumption and at the expense of others.

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