Armando Arturo
American waste is best highlighted by food eating contest which are ridiculous and lately people have ben dying through many of these contests and it is high time for regulation to stop this madness. For poor saps like Travis Malouf it will be too late as the moronic middle-aged man needed attention nd instead of buying a big boss hog Harley he decided to enter Voodoo Doughnut's food eating contest in urban snobbish and stupid Denver, Colorado. Many of Americas big cities are filled with over-paid jackasses and their desire for attention and love of waste and for this shit brain Travis Malouff trying to eat a half-pound nasty cholesterol filled glaze donut in under ten seconds is a fitting end for him and he has all of eternity to think about his final moments choking like a chicken on a donut.
I wonder why Voodoo donuts and these other food eating contests don't have a slow eating contest and this makes about as much sense as eating a fast eating contest.

Travis Malouf was another stupid urban city hick ass who will never get to old age as he choked on a big ass donut half way through the contest. The observers to this madness rushed to this idiots side and tried the Heimlich maneuver but it was too late as the glazed donut become embedded in the sir pipes and Travis's face exploded like a Yemenis market. I really don't think Travis woke up this past April 2 and thought he was going to meet the grim reaper with jelly glaze on his cheeks and a doughnut fucking lodges in his throat. This jerk instead of enjoying a tasty sweet eating it slowly and downing it with some fluids--like maybe some good coffee or juice--had hi last donut stupidly entering some eating competition to shove shit down his throat nd swallow in less than ten seconds. Travis Malouf will not worry about the dreaded donut monster anymore.

this shithead should of slowly eaten his food like a normal time and a normal human being and enjoyed some coffee sitting back reading some Brewster Rockit and the donut boys in the Sunday Funnies and enjoy life instead of rushing it in his gut to prove he has guts or something to his silly friends. Instead of enjoying and crunching down on some good sweet doughnuts this jackass crunched his throat and head in irreversible action and now hhis brain is dead and he Travis Malouf in unable to contemplate his actions anymore in life.
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