The Chinese keep buying and investing into the silly ventures of Elon Musk as financial capital juggernaut tencent Holdings basically gave this plutocrat Elon Musk some two billion dollars for his losing electric motor tesla automobile. The global elite hoard money and basically give hoarding money through financial holding companies allowing a Elon Musk to be considered some genius for his cutting-edge technologies most which will never pan out or be successful.
The Chinese elites fund a Elon Musk because eventually they can trust this mans influence in directing other kleptocratic money in the west going back to their coffers in one way and this type of thinking and conspiracy easily explains the trade network. Wall Street journal Chinese master writer and columnist recently wrote of the Chinese obsession of these western visionaries such as this snooker Elon Musk and his incredible ideas straight out of science fiction and out of Compton.
The investing profit bleed through these visionaries like this clown Elton Musk and his stupid fake ideas such as Neuralink, which is a start up that seeks to connect brains and computers and the Chinese have been obsessed foreign tech leaders for decades as they are obsessed with grinding Rhino and tiger bones for strength and vitality. Li Yuan says the Chinese love Steve Jobs and mark Zuckerberg reflecting China's utilitarian approach to knowledge and whether this includes knowledge to raise money for zombie products man of which never come close to replicating the IPhone is not known. the IPhone basically was a computer/phone whose success shouldn't be seen
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