Rocky Mavia Dwayne Johnson makes another awful movie an considers running for president in 2020

Nick Dumbjilio
   A bullshit artist like former pro wrestlers would be natural fits for becoming a politician and chances are that Dwayne Johnson fresh off a remake of Baywatch movie will highly consider running for president in three years. he and Tom hanks have hinted at running with each other and basically I think they would have a better chance running with the bulls in Pompano Spain than running successfully for president. Dwayne Johnson is an awful actor so fucking juiced up from his days in the WWF that he is really a joke as are any clowns that look up to this freak.  Tom Hanks joined the limelight of the "Rock" on Saturday Night Live and they hinted that possibly the best way to secure the white House from Donald J Trump and the Republicans was for some elite over-paid bad actors to run for office further suckering the american public.
Tom Hanks should be retired form all television and film and Dwayne Johnson should be truthful and state he is fake news only big from the number of injections he has taken and used successfully to script a Hollywood career that they now use for a stepping stone in a political career. if rock had been a lifelong activist for the people and not bamboozling his way pretending to beat on people and talking about smacking yellow out of peoples teeth the he would maybe have a more of a practical chance of running for any office. He looks alot like Barack Obama and might have had a real career, but no Hollywood actor former fake news rassler should ever be in the Senate yet alone the white House along with an actor who did some comedy show in the early eighties dressed up as a woman. Dwayne Johnson and Tom hanks have been clowns of dress up throughout their careers and these clowns are only deserving of being performing and running for union steward at Ringling brothers circus than ever seriously contemplating a run for the white House.

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