Scott Walker tells Nik Kovak to kiss his ass and he is running for president in 2020

Wally Jackson
   Nik Kovak is a constant critic of Governor Scott Walker as a little known alderman in Milwaukee as well as being a little listened too radio host of something called River West radio. Nik Kovak and his donors bought  license of a low-wattage radio station and had a ton of money thrown into it so he can promulgate  against Scott Walker. Kovak is always calling out Scott Walker and basically wants to live to see the day walker is defeated and no longer voted in office by Wisconsin voters. Kovac and crooked Milwaukee politicians are just not in tune with the rest of the state of Wisconsin. indeed Scott walker may just further piss off Nik Kovak and decide to run for president again in 2020 not so much he is against Donald J Trump but wishes to mess with the mind of River West radio and Alderman Nik Kovak's mind. Kovak had huge issues with Walker's last run for the White House

Kovak was a vocal critic bashing walker and his loss of jobs and how he gave a bunch of tax payer money to Milwaukee Bucks billionaire owners so some city elites can hang their heads high they have a classy city and downtown. Kovak needs to worry about the increasing crime in his city and surrounding his ward instead of worrying about Scott Walker and his cuts to waste that Milwaukee County had been taking advantage for years. Kovak and other Milwaukee democrats are desperate to stop Scott walker as they are threatened by his proposal to initiate drug testing for all medicaid recipients and this would expose how basically Milwaukee is a drug promoting sanctuary city in the state. walker has a long list of accomplishments that this shit Kovak is furious about including  working with the Republican-controlled Legislature over the past seven years to enact a host of other conservative priorities. Those include requiring photo identification to vote; making the state right-to-work; legalizing the carrying of concealed weapons; making abortions more difficult to obtain; expanding school choice programs; freezing University of Wisconsin tuition; and cutting taxes by nearly $5 billion. Democrats think Walker is beatable but they have no top tier candidate unless they want to get Herbert Kohl again and off his walker to run against Scott Walker. perhaps Nik Kovak should step up and run against Scott walker instead of singing the blues on his lousy River West Radio program. fact is walker's poll numbers  are back up from the ashes of his failed presidency bid in 2016. Nik Kovak is a nobody liberal asshole who will live to see many days of Scott walker as Governor of Wisconsin and likely candidate in 2020 as well just to piss his chrome head off. 

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