Some years ago Howard Stern wanted to bring capital punishment back fore New York state and threatened to run for Governor to bring about this as his only goal and one platform for politics.
Howard stern would of been dismayed another Stern was killed recently in a brutal crime that should demand the return of capital punishment as scumbag Liam Mcasasney strangled a childhood friend in Sarah Stern and plotted with another fag to kill and rob their friend. This sickening crime took place in rural backwaters of New Jersey
. Sarah Stern's murder sent shockwaves in this small rural New Jersey shore town as her body was dumped in the shark river. This waldo looking punk will be separated from his boyfriend and will definitely get it in prison one can hope as he was pleasantly fiendish enjoying watching Sarah Stern be strangled for half an hour. this cries calls out for vengeance for Howard Stern to call out for increase need of executions for crimes of this brutal nature and maybe once again consider running and pitting a focus of the need for all states to have capital punishment
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