Angry ram meets a Left shark toy and ram rods it into oblivion

Aaron Luther
    Angry ram is an incredible Beast and soul a creature so dam tough and inhumane one wishes to replicate it into smaller versions and sell these furballs on Ebay. Angry ram doesn't want anyone or anything near it and will go to all lengths to ensure anything resembling a living animal doesn't  get near.
 Angry was curious as his neighbor brought about the Left inflatable shark to him and the Angry one sniffed and huffed wishing to do battle. The shark was attached to a drone and soon the owner or friendly to YouTube infamous Angry Ram was flying the Left shark helium balloon over to the Ram and the mini-beast went berserk. The ram backed up and struck this shark several times as it floated undauntedly and tauntently  in front of him>angry ram bashed the left shark so much that eventually the helium all escaped and the shark was all shriveled up into a little ball confusing this ram wondering why it was no longer an entity and potential clasher. angry ram is perhaps the most entertaining animal on YouTube deserving of all the followers and acclaim it gets as a little son of a gone hostile animal on the internet displaying the power and grace of the Ram species for all to see and enjoy.

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