Arrogant billionaire Cubs owner dickless Tom "the Cricket" Ricketts wants tax payers to pay for more security and protection of Wrigley palace and threatens a run for mayor and president in 2020

Leroy Yost
   Tom Ricketts made a bunch of money through fake news and fake data and now he wishes to have perhaps fake police patrol ore on the city and tax payer dime. Tom ricketts is a corporatist one of many who have used their wealth hoarding too further enrichening themselves therough sports ownership and fake- values of sports team ownerships. Tom wants his cake and eat it to for free and now he is seeking for the city to put more if its own money and resources to protecting the chicago shrine and corporate palace caled Wrigley Field.
Tom Ricketts is considering a run for both the mayor of Chicago and the president of the united States in 2020 and he has been in talks with Ted Cruz perhaps running with him and confusing the people in their challenge to Trump. Ricketts is so angered and in complete refusal for spending his own money in protecting Wrigley field and its fans from an upcoming terrorist attack some day by either Muslim extremists or really obsessed and evil St Louis cardinal fans from hell. Tom Ricketts is going to use his war chest and wealth to build his name larger in politics so he can more easily gain the leveraging power and use it to lower his costs of running the so important Chicago Cubs baseball organization. Tom Ricketts is an asshole and he has had rifts and problems with Donald Trump in the past leading up to Donald's incredible defeat against the technocrats like Ricketts. A bizare mayoral run agianst anothe rpresidential run in 2020 is not out of the equestion.
 and the idea of him and ted Cruz on a ticket is both amusing and horrifying. I see no other reason these two pricks got together recently and posed for pictures in some sort of high deal private parts exchange with one another smoking their cigars and drinking their milk shakes in a three hour meeting in a Hilton Hotel room on a Saturday Night. Ricketts is right to be rightfully concerned of a terrorist attack in Chicago's famed Wrigley field and it would be a tragedy to lose this amazing building not to say nothing of the potential lose of life of grown middle aged men dressed in Cubbie blue like their over-paid assholes they worship on the filed taking grounders. Muslims may  decide this is a potential target as it is a center of worship and thought of America in organized sport and ahh St Louis cardinal fans just hate these shits form the North Side of Chicago and eastern Iowa. a Tom Ricketts presidency, with Cruz , would be a tremendous boost of protection for these neardewells at Chicago's Wrigley Field. Perhaps Ricketts and other owners need to move sports to a post fan era where playing in front of an empty stadium becomes ore of the norm and cost efficient against the potential harm of terrorists.


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