John Kass says to dissolve Illinois into the other states

Oscar Orton
    Chicago tribune writer John Kass has a love of maps and has dawn up a suggestion for the financial problems of the state of Illinois and basically says the border states should annex Illinois territory. Illinois has become a dysfunctional state because of the high percentage of foreign-born bastards in the state and especially around Chicago,
Who use the state for a cash cow for their cronies who just borrow and borrow and resell and resell their pathetic small business and restaurants that never make a profit aside from selling off the business that was always in debt. Fuckface John Kass knows his shit and the political reality of Illinois and why the bonds are owned by foreign corrupt classes that then demand assets are handed for their immigrant relatives. Kass says this state hasn't had a budget in years and I say you an't put ore casinos to help bail out this loser corporate spending state, which tax avoidance is the real issue and problems for the inequality of schools and other social ills of this state.
This is a family friendly connected state where many wealthy families have gamed the system making it more difficult for the poor so they can spend lavishly on their kids sports leagues as a personal babysitter. Kass maps brilliant and would go a long way to show immigrants in Chicago that the rest of the country can right and fix the areas ship and prevent the international shippers from dominating the economy and ruining the environment bringing stuff this country doesn't mostly need and can and ought to be producing through itself. Chicken face Kass doesn't really deal with the immigrant abuse of our systems and indeed liberal fucks have often turned the story around where they claim it is the immigrants into America that are being take advantage

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