Bob The Bobcat barges a redneck hillybilly bar in Cottonwood, Arizona and clears house

Baxter Lomax
   I am always glad that the bar I attend and work in Itasca,Illinois behind tree Guys Pizzeria never has to deal with much wildlife and a recent case in a NASCAR hick bar in rural outback of Cottonwood,Arizona is a excellent example. The fetid wild cat Bobcat known to this blog as Bob was out there causing trouble again as Bob entered a hillbilly bar and just attacked random drunks. The people were drunk like a skunk and unlike a skunk had no natural defense mechanisms and had to rely on pool sticks and beer bottles to ward off the attacks by this incredible and cute little beast of the forest. Bib had just waltz in when a hick had started that bad country song dirt in my boots on the jukebox.
We love Bob the bobcat and always love bob the bobcat but in reality I would  not wish to see a bobcat ever step foot in the Itasca Inn when I am behind barback. i do feel bad for Bob bobcat as he received an effusive welcome in this bar in Cottonwood,Arizona and one must ahhh wonder if something was ailing him and perhaps the cat got stung by a Cottonwood snake.
 There are more and more stories of wild beasts entering bars in the boondocks and more and more wildlife is needing a spot to stop and take a drink instead of the usual polluted streams of red-state america. as far the patrons in this redneck Cottonwood bar, they were about as successful as fighting off Bob the Bobcat as they were fighting off Arnold Schwarzenegger in the terminator. Bob escaped this brush with hicks in Arizona and was last seen heading east in new mexico looking for friendlier confines. 

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