Jordan Morgan
CNN fake news propagandist and one of the purest and pro-globalist bastards out there must be Fareed Zakaria. i cannot tell you how much this Indian clown is hatred by all the writers of the Right Bull blog. Fareed Zakarai and his books deserve to be outed in a museum as best display of internal propaganda to best destroy the nation and it is shits like Fareed why autocratic rule is returning with a vengeance. When one hears how government is getting tougher with the press it is because there are so many paid hacks like Fareed on the program in the media working not for the network but outside influence groups in their writings. Fareed and conscientiousness neuroscience master and excellent speaker Sam Harris got into a hour or so discussion on Islam.

The back and forth between these two Alpha males on islam was amazing and Sam harris got this jerk to admit he actually is a Muslim although not a rigid strict one of the fractious Wahhabi path. Zakaria and Harris talked about the need for Muslims to reform and fareed says that men like Harris think Muslims have to renounce their entire identity in order to please the critics of his beloved faith.

Zakaria defends globalism and trade unions and pacts because he knows the power of the collective and how his religion can use their money to fund terrorist while maintaining fake news that these people are peaceful and co-existing business people wishing to move to other Christian nations for better economic opportunities for their families and not global expansion of their barbaric religion and book. Muslims know that powerful state armies are he only thing holding back their terror networks and actually fighting the Muslims who have been terrorist expansionists and centralized power advocates since their founding and killing which started in 632 Ad. Fareed is unwilling to allow Sam Harris and others just pointing out the obvious and why all nations need to put heavy surveillance and watch people who dress and quote their cultural traits of subservient following to their belief system. This includes Fareed Zakaria and his motivations for promoting Islam is now well established with his writings and speakings through the years.

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