Matt Stollar informs Glen Lourey Why Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos hampering innovation and competition on the internet

Zachary Zuckerberg
   Matt Stollar is an incredible writer for the New American and he appeared on Glen Show on BloggingheadTv and informed Glen's audience how the big internet giants are foreclosing on all potential rival companies in order to stifle competition. Matt talked about and how Jeff Bezos and Amazon have helped shut many potential internet giants form even developing and the same can be said for my brother Mark Zuckerberg.
Perhaps the biggest egregious example of which I am surprised Matt didn't mention, is how Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook foreclosed on  Instagram. Instagram should of been as big if not bigger as Facebook by now and basically Matt has been writing for a while how the big giants are squashing internet entrepreneurs and new ideas and companies on the world wide web.
Stollar also bashed Google as it is no longer a company that innovates but just buys a company a week and prevent other Googles form being developed, the biggest of which is Youtube which selling itself to Google was a disastrous move. the anti-trust violations of the top five tech giants Matt Stoller talks about is shameful and couldn't be achieved without the corruption offered by the Democratic party.  In essence going back to circa 2000, it would of been equivalent of Google selling itself to IBM. Stollar mentioned th erole of investment and how venture capitalist pressure is destroying small tech-start ups from increasing growth and improving the economy out of fear of being punished by the capitalist investment classes.
Matt bashed the entrepreneurship of today where some clown brought about a high-tech juicer and this is the crap that comes out in 2017 through silicon valley and is stupid. I would like to have heard matt though bash my b rother mark Zuckerberg as mark has just about done everything to squach and buy out others whom he felt was a threat to the Facebook empire. make no mistake Mark Zuckerberg ,Bill Gates,Jeff Bezos are not lucky lottery winners or brilliant minds ut basically anti-competative gants who had lots of help of money investors wishing to destroy innovation and preserve the status quo when a company gets too large and monopolistic using predator pricing to destroy growth and fair competion which would benefit the economy and consumer. Clowns like Bezos and mark wish to be seen as philanthropists and space entrepreneurs and their legacy greed and name fame is much what is behind ti silicon valley destruction that Matt Stoller and others  has been warning about

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