The real reason billionaire Easy Elon Musk is worried about low population

Alex Mousolpolous
    Elon Musk looks at countries like Greece and japan and he worries for the future of capitalism. Instead of being worried about the state of the planet and how man has altered the planet for its growing wasteland and industrial exploitation destruction of it the south African monopoly man tweeted that population collapse is a serious issue not being talked and announced. This is incredibly insane and always will be insane as population problems of this planet consisted of over -population for years before plutocrats made some serious billions of dollars getting people to migrate and profiting handsomely form poor peoples misery. what really worries Elon Musk is that the robot trend will not really occur and that mass profits form exploiting people will be more difficult for future generations of plutocrats shall population numbers decrease to a more suitable and sustainable two billion people level. What worries Musk is an example of Greece and Greeks how under-population made the Greeks unable to rule the civilized world it once achieved even though modern day Greeks are nothing like the ones of Alexander and are basically Greek speaking people of the Balkans who global elites and European empires decided to profit for themselves  for helping through state creation back in the day . If anything true power in a nation is its ability to control poverty and set a high standard of living for its small population. I don't see anyone messing with Norway or Asian hoardes able to invade Australia anytime soon.
For the greedy like Musk more is better and as long as he or his descendants don't have to live and work in a slum in Dehli pushing a rickshaw to eke out a living then the problem of over-population is not his to worry about. Mus is a man that has not experienced much suffering being a son of South African industrial elites brainwashing people to wear items that needs to be mined and polluted and priced at over-value item for jewelry. This is a man who refers a smoke stack polluting landscape for the planet instead of one nature intended of trees because this slap jack has no way to find mass profits from trees.
How any deranged individual in this world call for more population given all that e have seen and attempted to turn earth into Venus is incredibly short-sighted and clueless. the happiest and more sustainable countries are those with low populations lie the Scandinavian countries and perhaps given Elon's recent disclosure of being a bi-polar depressed monkey he should move to one of these countries and quit think about landing on the moon someday to open an auto parts store.
You have pundits who say we can fit all the worlds people in Texas with a Tokyo density as if the gridlock and water pollution would not make it available but this is the thinking of the population explosion advocates who wish to turn every nook and cannery n earth into New York City. Elon Musk and the advocates for fear of population implosion only care about increasing humanity and profits and could care less of bio-diversity and other species as they would see them as expendable as unproductive humans for capital.

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