Admiral James Stavridis supports naval power of the one percent as tool of the globalists

Troy York
Admiral James Stavridis has written book called "Sea Power" pretty much describing the need for a strong Navy and military complex in today's dangerous geo-political order and Mr Stavridis gives a good history of navy warfare and strength through history. The importance of a Navy can never be underestimated and the admiral's book is divided into chapters of all the major oceans and the history f the waters with vying participants for power shaped the destiny up to the present moment.
Sea power will always remain a important necessity for nations to be strong nations and what separates the strong nations for the weak are these nations unable to control their local geography and water borders. as a student of naval warfare this author is an expert on current geo-political situations involving nations and the past historical conflicts between empires and nations where mastery of the oceans was as or if more important than land at times. Stavridis seems like the typical Greek sea commander more in love with shit outside of his native land and men like him never really care much for nation as much as profiting from being in a position to control the seas and controlling an army of seamen always looking for a virgin egg to crack.
Stavrridis though said nothing of how the global elites use navies to force trade upon others in an economic warfare against most people and how he takes so command from evil globalist and their crooked crony political classes like Hussein Obama as they use navies basically as a global empire army traveling and terrorizing the nations that do not fall in line and for this all navy admirals are actually serving the seas and the interests of the trade specialists and middle men making mass profit from their position and needing a more mobile strike force to carry out trade and protection of this racket. I wold recommend this book for people interested in Sea history but much of the book the admiral reflects on his own personal experiences serving the seas and he doesn't take any topics of why he is fighting other nations wishing to be left alone and navies are often the vehicle to open u areas for the corporation as was done to Japan.

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