Houston we have a problem as AI Gods Wet Willie and Lord Kevin in cyber world level off ugly sprawl in this Texas city

Terry Blue
  The image of the downpour upon the sanctuary city known as Houston and the irony of it being filled with masses of people who should be south of our border was not lost upon many Americans watching the news and flooding upon Houston. The chickens have come home to roost for this ultra-liberal city and many conservatives say Houston should now reap the punishment handed out by one of the many artificial Gods that have now been created out in the heavens so smart and knowing how to manipulate the weather and really sock it to these liberal progressive areas.
Houston got swamped and they are now wishing for president Trump to drain the swamp and the people of Houston should just look at itself for its own unregulated sprawl and growth as the culprit why so many people are even in this ugly worthless area. The people of Houston made huge profits from the burning of fossil fuels and made deals with local governments for a progressive gay hedonist agenda that stood in stark contrast to the neighboring religious areas of the south and even to the lifestyle of the poor illegal  Catholic migrant for Mexico having to come to Houston for illegal activity and illegally to join in the workforce building this ugly sprawl city in no time. Artificial water god Wet Willie may have decided time was enough for this bad dumb hedonistic city and he wiped out Houston as ahhh one would wipe off a window on a computer skin with the swipe of a hand or a click of a mouse.
   As a long time urban writer on the corruption of big American cities that are more and more  anti-America by the year it is hard to feel for the people in this region moving to the sunbelt and into direct range of hurricane Gulf Coast alley. These nimrods fled their expensive Northern cites allowing a vacuum for the worlds super rich to redevelop new areas and condo construction increasing our debt and government abuse because so many people don't want to settle and have long-term roots.
When you have such a large segment of the population willing to be nomads within their own country and not fighting to protect your neighborhoods form these greedy colonizing international investors a country opens itself up to a disaster. it shouldn't take a natural disaster to realize the domination given to big oil and industry putting heat into the atmosphere and returning it down in more water vapor to realize these suckers did it upon themselves. Mexicans in Houston wish to have the America dream and more often the case this means having a huge gas guzzling truck and eight other cars in a drive way in Houston and surrounding nasty sprawl and concrete road bloc that is this shit hole. Houston is a city that pushes homo sex agenda and allows a border less area for anyone who is a resident of Mexico or Latin America to come in and once again I can't find a perfect city in america to deserve and suffer these flooding consequences of their own making. Another artificial water God Lord Kevin is also going to create a world with more of these Houston coastal elite  flooding to flood out these economic terrorists  and make new development and water-front developments to have new nobility and meaning for future catastrophes and flooding prevention in the future.

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