Poor Seal's death by Left shark shocks and horrifies coastal elite at Cap Cod

Jake Glass
  A massive White shark doing what left sharks are suppose to do was feeding on a Seal near Nauset beach in snooty coastal elite Cap Cod sending humans running out of the waters in panic as the blood from the poor seal spread quickly and a fake news rumor that a human baby was eaten spread through the crowd.
People do  ot react this way when human Eskimo hunters club the shit out of the head and mash the brains of baby seals for their fur and now once again lawmakers and shark experts are calling for a cull of sharks in the Cap Cod area. A couple of days after the Seal lunch by a left shark a human paddle boarder was smashed by a shark and had some stitches form a love bite of a left shark who quickly induced it in ts little brain this meat was not Seal.
We need to remember sharks have their tastes and references and eating human leg is like people preferring rat toppings on their pizza  or preferring camel meat to chicken. if you do not want to risk an encounter with a hungry and confused left shark then paddle board in an indoor swimming pool and do not get out in the oceans.
The problem is people thinking they are entitled to surf and chill in the waters. The dangers of sharks are real because they are top predators and don't really prefer attack humans but prefer Seals and sea Turtles. This is why you never see Polar Bears or other big land mammals going out to waters as seen in Jim Toomey's Sherman lagoon where Thorntan is never seen in the water and avoids it like birds avoid landing near a sleeping house cat. The comic character Thornton is clever enough to avoid the oceans and clearly if polar Bears stupidly ventures into oceanic waters as often as humans they too would be an occasional accident. The elites on cap Cod were horrified by the morbid blood scene of this poor hapless Seal and the scene resembled a Freddy Kruger movie more than a fun in the sun vacation weekend. Possibly next time these Cap Cod dum dums better wake up to the fact next time a psycho Left shark may not care next time whether the meat is fatty-riched seal of bine-leg dry surfer snack.

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