Brad Friedman blasts Rush Limbaugh and Paul teutul Sr and other right-wing radio hjosts for spreading misinformation

Casey Kelso
   Brad Friedman came on his award-winning podcast and ripped the fat ass of Rush Limbaugh to shreds this week for his continuing refusal to believe in climate change and hurricane increase power. Rush Limbaugh had said the hurricane damage was overblown attempts of the media to attack big oil and the oligarchs that have set up a successful modern day economy that he enjoys with an easy corporate talk radio gig. Brad Friedman blasted the right-wing media for dominating the radio airwaves and overspending reality and issues important in the world and Brad was dumbfounded by Limbaugh's absurdity and refusal to accept the obvious with these powerful storms destroying the big oil produced sprawl in the South.
Likewise he blasted Paul Teutul Sr and his podcasts on his orange County Choppers radio show as he also says climate change is bullshit and just an attempt to stop guys like himself from spending their money freely on big motorcycles,trucks, ATVs, and snow mobiles. Teutul Sr says there are a group of individuals using climate change to prevent rich successful guys like himself from spending his hard-earned money on motor producing toys.
Many a Title loan and Car loan stores were destroyed and how much longer does it take for meathead Rush Limbaugh and corporate business media to realize that the expressions and ideas of these right-wing nutcase radio hosts is forestalling imperative climate change needed other wise more catastrophic hurricanes bigger than Irman or Harvey will be developed in future hurricane seasons. It got so bad in Florida that even Rush Limbaugh said screw that shit and hightailed his ass out of the state quicker than a dog would slop up some dropped sloppy Joe on your kitchen floor.
Rush Limbaugh and othe rold slobs with too  much money and their constantly need for machinery and vehicles to move their fat ass are the major contributors to global warming and his denial of the obvious is evidence of his fear that his toys and items will be taken away. This is all the fear of the motorcycle shits like Limbaugh and Teutul Sr think old rich White men are entitles to keep trashing and polluting the planet to make them feel good and profit from speaking the narrative of earth destruction through continued growth and industry.

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