David Pakman becomes a liberal professor and picks a fight with our own County sheriff David Clarke

Dimitri Diamond
   David Pakman was on his award winning podcast the other night talking about himself now being an official self paying member of the Harvard faculty. Professor Pakman has been a Youtuber for some time and recently he has expressed frustration at the fact that he has lost a tremendous amount of jingle through YouTube advertising money as this part of his program has dried up as well as it has for so many other internet programs. David Pakman was depressed by this but knew he could count on many friends at her former alma matter of Harvard to get him some free faculty gig and a teaching job for him to make up this loss.
Pakman has also been a prick and claiming to be some book reviewer and he recently blasted and picked a fight with Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke and ridiculed Clarke's new book he has written about his time serving the resident in Milwaukee and battling crime. Pakman only battles his own internal globalist visions and greed trying hard to be seen as a liberal progressive when he is instead a inequality pushing member of the Democratic open borders population. Professor Pakman is now able to reach the minds and ears of the nations youth in Boston and at one of the most prestigious universities in America. David Pakmans unrelenting verbal assaults against Milwaukee;s glorious County sheriff though should be second thought upon the part of Pakman as clearly Sheriff Clarke would waste little time arresting this son of a pig Pakman if he ever steps foot in the city or county of Milwaukee

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