Did AI compu God Marko or North Korean AI God Kim Jung Un create the numerous Caribbean hurricanes hitting Gulf Coast of America

Lee Park Kong
   The massive amount of powerful storms hitting America is no accident and seemed to be a deliberate plot letting America know that prior to 9/11 weather modification is a serious alternative weapon to be used at any time. There is also the possibility of artificial Intelligence being used by others or just plain by itself to test the knowledge of best times to create a hurricane and devastate coastal communities and Caribbean islanders for some way. Kim Jung Un along with mad Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro may have been plotting on testing out weather modification knowledge both countries have invested heavily and shared research through the years given the strategic location of the South american petrol-state and its shared hatred of Yankee global economic domination of the planet.
The domination of the planet by US industry and havoc wrecked upon all living things and members of the planet may also have been the motivation to cause these hurricane by God..the newer AI Gods of the cyber world of which there are now many being created daily by both man and machine. AI God Marko has no face but his book of destruction by using artificial intelligence of weather patterns and how to heat the planet using data form past researched hurricane systems recorded by computers through the years and ahh where to place dynamic coastal currents through ship movement and data manipulation may have caused these four hurricanes in four weeks.
Kim Jung Un and north Korea have also tested a shitlead number of nuclear weapons and strategically places there is no dount these thermal nuclear weapons can heat the planet and the worlds ocreans dramatically causing massive storms on the other side of the world thjat have caused incredible amoutn of damage to swamplands and coastal Southern areas that were never intended for humankind to licve rso precipitously along the waters and building so much inhabitable space. All the AI Gods and mad dictaortrs hater Donald Trump and causing weather patterns to strike into the heartlands of the American South an d east coasts will be frequent occurences few of which are now naturally made and thus mad epoissible through knew sharing of intelligence and artifical storm sysytems that can be created and used as a weapon.

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