Whitaker Marshall III
John McCain apparently healing form his fake cancer scare has been on a seething attack against president Trump and seems to be his most vocal opponent as of now. the geriatric senator forever of Arizona was courting vanity Fair Vietcong writer Tina Nguyen who likely reminded Mr McCain of some five dollar whores in is time serving inn Vietnam. McCain went on to say in this interview tat trump is poorly informed and tat republicans in congress are not is subordinates as McCain wailed away on possible deportation of illegals in America.
McCain ad other stink that because some were illegally brought into the country as kids tat they have a certain entitlement to citizenship..which of course is bullshit and reasoning why we should ave term limits to prevent turds like McCain of thinking the American people are subordinate to congressional members like himself. Jon McCain is not a maverick but a politically traitorous troll serving the interests of the for-profit illegal human drugs and movement industry and this is why he despised fellow Arizonan sheriff Joe Arpaio.
McCain is so furious that president Trump pardoned the sheriff of Nottingham and Cottonwood Arizona that John McCain is seriously once again considering of running for the highest office in the United States. McCain is such a chump the old bastard likely went into this interview thinking it was the incredibly fit and sexy Tina Nguyen bodybuilder that he was going to be interviewed instead of the plain Jane Asian library nerd Tina Nguyen writer and internet blogger.
McCain enjoyed his Vanity fair interviewed and hinted to Tina Nguyen that he may run again as the dirty old fuck eyed this bitch up and down in the entire video. McCain reminded the young Asian female of his historical significance and longevity and influence in American politics as this shit McCain is perhaps one of the longest running non-presidential politicians in American history, long passing Henry Clay on the longevity record in career in congressional politics. John McCain will run again in 2020 as he had in 2000 and 2008 and he will once again be rejected by the american voter tired of old goats career politicians making disastrous decisions and leading to the decline of this nation over time through their ineptness and greed and hopefully one day a sheriff Joe Arpaio puts some handcuffs on this scuzbag.
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