Rush Limbaugh denies hurricane potential through global warming and thinks it is a hoax

Troy York
   Why people are always angered when right-wing radio troll Rush Limbaugh trolls them on the devastation and obvious reasoning for increased hurricanes and storm systems is surprising. If one listens to Rush Limabugh's program it becomes more and more evident the entire program is paid content as he is always talking about and reading paid content. Whether it is computer protection programs or reading an ad lib for  insurance or other bullshit more and more Rush's program is being a commercial. With this in mind the oil and gas industry is desperate to cover up the climate change which is obviously being caused by their global expansion and the expansion of fossil-fuel burning by these other state monopolize companies wishing to make a plutocratic super-wealthy form landownership elite that controls government.
 Rush Limabugh is willing to say whatever somebody pays this son of a bitch and are people still surprised that a Rush Limbaugh would mock the devastation in urban hurricane alley Gulf coastal liberal elite and ghetto backward hicks in Houston. Yes my friends educated urbanites and their beloved black and brown people can be dumb hillbillies as well and  for so many jackasses to move into a Gulf Coastal system with potential for storm damage is deserving to be mocked. Limbaugh though should admit that oil and warming of the planet causes a potential for increased irregularities of more storm systems if he wan an honest broadcaster and not just the paid hack which he happens to be and Rush is becoming more and more mentally deranged about the agenda 21 ideas of fake news climate change. This is mainly because Rush doesn't wish to see things change and the encouragement of constant construction and movement of peoples so other can profit that Rush and a Tyler Cowen advocate instead of folks staying place and sustaining in a small reserved habitable areas of the country.

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